Advantages Of A Structured Settlement For Your Client
Before your client decides on settlement options, they need to know the advantages of using a structured settlement.
- Income tax-free payments for the life of their annuity and even for their lifetime.
- Peace of mind in knowing that the benefits are paid by some of the largest life insurance companies in the United States. These companies are highly regulated and safe.
- A structure plan may be tailored to meet your client’s current and future financial needs.
- Structured settlements offer protection and stability because:
- They are generally lawsuit-proof, bankruptcy-proof, and divorce-proof.
- Once locked-in, they are not subject to the ups and downs of the financial markets. Your clients will know exactly what they’re getting and when those payments will arrive.
Different types of structured settlement plans can be set up to cater to a variety of financial and family needs. Some options include:
- Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and/or annual payment streams
- Continuing for a lifetime
- Ending after a certain amount of time
- Future lump sum benefits
- Cost of living adjustments
- A combination of all of the above.