Advantages of a Structured Settlement
Before making your decisions on your settlement options, you need to know the advantages of using a structured settlement.
- Income tax-free payments for the life of your annuity and even for your lifetime.
- Peace of mind in knowing that the money is with some of the largest life insurance companies in the United States. These companies are highly regulated and safe.
- Your structure plan can be tailored to meet your current lifestyle as well as your future financial plans.
- Structured settlements are generally lawsuit-proof, bankruptcy-proof, and divorce-proof.
- Structured settlements, once locked-in, are not subject to the ups and downs of the financial markets; you know exactly what you’re getting and when those payments will arrive. No guesswork.
More Information:
Deciding About Structures
Structured Settlement Security
- Income tax-deferred payments for the life of your annuity and even for your lifetime. Let the money grow before you pay income tax.
- Peace of mind in knowing that the money is with one of the largest life insurance companies in the United States that is highly regulated and safe.
- Structured settlements, once locked-in, are not subject to the ups and downs of the financial markets; you know exactly what you’re getting and when those payments will arrive. No guesswork.